Our class had left school in 1969 (M5) or 1970 (M6) and we have had a joyous reunion in Hong Kong
in April, 2000. The Hong Kong Pui Ying School Alumni Association and the Vancouver Pui Ying
Alumni Association had organized presentations for our class.
Many thanks to their sincere and generous offers.
New pictures will be added from time to time ...
Pictures of our previous reunions. 1975 Founder's day, Hong Kong.
Pictures of our previous reunions. 1971 Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong.
Pictures of our previous reunions. 1971 Wongneichong Reservior.
Pictures of our previous reunions. 1973 Hong Kong, Ma Sai Chung's Wedding.
M5 A Class (unofficial) picture. 1968 photo by Leo Lui
A surprise mini reunion, Melbourne, Australia 1996.
Lamma Island, 1975.
Founder's Day 1967.
Collection of Mr. Yuen Lieh Shan (1970 Grad)
1999 Christmas in Vancouver, Canada.
Presentation and reunion of the alumni in Vancouver,
Canada. April,2000.
Presentation and reunion of the alumni in Hong Kong,
23-24 April 2000.
A picture of some of our classmates with some of our former teachers in an informal gathering
before the offical celebration.
A picture of some of our classmates in the 2001 founder's day in Hong Kong.
click here to view the official M5 class photo in 04/1969
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures A
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures B
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures C
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures D
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures E
Pui Ying 1970 Other Pictures F
Other Activities in Pui Ying
Pui Ying 1971 Class Site HKG
Pui Ying 1971 Class Site HKG (new !)
Misc Pictures from friends of the class of 1971
Misc Pictures from friends of the various classes
Pui Ying Alumni Ass'n Site HKG